Art Restoration Services in East Hampton, NY

Services Include

Free evaluation for artworks delivered to our studio.

Oil Paintings (canvas and panel)

  • Cleaning
  • Consolidation of paint film
  • Relining to new support canvas
  • Strip lining
  • Filling missing paint areas
  • Inpainting
  • Varnishing
  • Custom stretchers
  • Restretching

Artworks on Paper

  • Lithographs
  • Etchings
  • Mezzotints
  • Drawings
  • Watercolors
  • Maps


  • Disinfect
  • Diacidify
  • Reduce staining
  • Flatten
  • Removal of artwork from acid mounts
  • Removal of old varnish
CALL TODAY 631-267-2092